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Month: December 2021

Four Mistakes I Used to Make as a Writer Wannabe and how I corrected them

I wanted to be a writer, but I had more bad habits than stories to tell. I whittled the number down to four and found answers to each one. Mistake One — no particular time or place to write. When I wanted to write, I would do just that. Want to write. I would think about it and imagine being a writer. But there was school work, and then there was actual work. When I got married, my…

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Are You a Creator?

Then what? A creator has ideas. Ideas are like a couple of chickens you may have in your backyard. They may provide some eggs for the family, but what happens if someone leaves the gate open? There goes tomorrow’s breakfast. Creators come in different types. Some are big picture types. Some detail types. Some are problem-solvers, and some are storytellers. But if you depend to any extent on your ideas, you need to be sure…

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