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Why Do Authors Need a Mailing List? New Writer Questions #2

What’s the deal about mailing lists?


Let me lay it all out for you.


Some people think newsletters are spammy or commercial, or just a plain waste of their inbox room and resources.


A lot of folk get too many emails and newsletters already. And enough is enough.


I get asked, from time to time, why I keep talking about mailing lists and why they’re so important.


An author needs a mailing list for several reasons.

  1. A mailing list is a means of direct communication with my readers. By collecting email addresses, I can send updates, news, and information about my books, events, and promotions directly to my subscribers.
  2. A mailing list is an effective marketing tool for all authors. By having a list of subscribers who are interested in their works, authors can promote their books and other products directly to their audience. This can be particularly valuable when launching a new book or running a promotion.
  3. A mailing list helps authors build a fan base. By regularly communicating with subscribers, an author can establish a relationship with their readers, build trust and loyalty, and ultimately turn them into fans who will be more likely to buy their books and recommend them to others.
  4. A mailing list provides valuable data for authors. By tracking subscriber engagement, authors can gain insights into their readers’ preferences and behavior, which can inform their marketing and content strategies.
  5. A mailing list gives a writer the ability to draw attention to an article is just published some place where they would not normally be noticed. Places such as Medium.com earns me a few bucks some months based on the number of reads. Without people knowing I have published one, there will not be many reads.
  6. A strong mailing list tends to give traditional publishers more comfort working with authors, especially new ones, in terms of publishing their works.

    Overall, a mailing list is a valuable tool for any author who want to build a strong relationship with their readers, market their books effectively, and build a successful career as a writer.


       Where are my mailing lists?

    I do also have a couple of lists in business or technical areas that I won’t include here, but in addition to them, my writing/author lists are 1) at my website of www. DonMartinBooks.com THE FORM IS JUST ABOVE. 2) Substack  3) Substack  4) Medium They are not great yet, but I’m working on them.

    If you are worried that I will overwhelm you with email, I promise I will not.  If you decide the communication is not for you, you can drop out anytime.

    To conclude…

    In conclusion, I would like to include an illustration that was posted on my Facebook recently. If you enjoy reading a particular writer, there are several things you can do for free that will help your favorite authors and creatives enormously.333877789_128719696631373_531826133366427994_nThanks to Chris Whigham at Derby City Social Media in Louisville, KY.

    Photo by Alex Perz on Unsplash

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