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Saturday, July 29,2023

The WEEKEND JOURNAL, sometimes known as the “Storyteller’s Journal,” “Back Pages Journal,” “Writer’s Journal,” or “Just Plain Journal,” “Notes from the Home Office,” etc is simply a place for my miscellaneous observations, comments, plans and general communication with my reader fam.

The overall purpose and direction of this website and journal is to serve peeps who may be interested in the art of creative writing, either as a hobby or as a profession. It will deal with my experiences and thoughts concerning that art.

Some of my reader fam actually enjoy reading my stuff- it’s here.

My journal entries and my personal thoughts and tribulations are interspersed with useable notes and lessons I have learned about creative writing.

32% of my reader fam read and, ultimately put into practice the writing tips entries, never reading my of my personal struggles and triumphs, while 40% of my readers love to read my personal stuff, and wouldn’t cross the road to hear about creative writing. The remaining 17% don’t give a fat rat’s patootie for any of it, and are just waiting for the perfect time to unsubscribe.


AKA, WIP, or, in the words of Marvin Gaye, “What’s goin’ on?”

WIP is, since i am all about proving my two high school English teachers wrong about my never amounting to much, my current work in progress consists of three books and a handful of articles to be published, along with work on several blogs’ redesign.

A good deal of my writing is on-line, but I’m crazy for paperbacks, and videos, too. More products are on the way, and I will try to share the methods, as well as their possible warts and eccentricities here.


Go to this website ANYTIME and peruse the blog, forward, backwards, on your head, in your bed, on chronological order, or in no particular order. Take what you want, leave what you don’t.


Get a review in your email (if you subscribe) that you can treat like an a la carte take-out menu. (49% of my reader fam don’t read it all. 11% of my reader fam can’t read at all, but we love ’em anyway!)

The reviews right now are scheduled to be sent to you on Fridays. Leave me a comment below, if a different day would work better for you.

Also let me know if you would be interested in a class on setting up G-mail filters that would keep you from ever having to soil your computer with my profundity.

thanks for reading!

⭐ Whether you are thinking about writing as a hobby or for money, grab this FREE, quick guide to how I did it, now that I’ve had over 700 stories published.

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, Tn. He publishes every weekday morning.

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