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The Morning Hatcher Fell


“Mark  Hatcher, a very medium, very unremarkable guy, a self-described loser, is dreaming of landing a new job, but still driving a sub-galactic space transporter, when one of his two engines goes out.  As he is trying to call for help, his radio goes out too – he is only a couple of galaxies away from earth, but it might as well be a hundred light years.”

The Morning Hatcher Fell

Don Martin

Coming Soon!

The Morning Hatcher Fell

Just another job.


The Morning Hatcher Fell

Hatcher leaves WMX

To sleep, perchance to dream

Will it go ‘round in circles?

A cry for help

The other shoe drops

Friends are overrated.

A backup radio that works

Simple software patch and update to go straight with one engine

A company celebration

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