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Get Future Books FREE! Sign up to my book mailing list to be notified when other upcoming books are available, and you’ll be able to download them for FREE as soon as they launch! You’ll also be notified of beta reader opportunities as well as occasional special offers on related books and resources.   http://www.DonMartinBooks.com

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Free Friday For You

Yup.  It sure is.

I give away books from time to time for a couple of reasons.  One is,  I always enjoy getting new readers.  And two, I would love it if some would post a short review on Amazon.  And lastly, perhaps when they see other of my books, they might return some time and purchase one.

So I arbitrarily picked Friday, and I try to rotate the book choices.  So if you see one you want and it’s not free today, you could go ahead and buy it- it won’t kill you.  Or you could wait until some other week.  Just check back at www.amazon.com/author/donm and you’ll find me there.

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Free Friday is Back!

“Life is hard!!! Breathe, breathe, breathe…” Don’t you hate hearing people gripe about their jobs when YOU have a really HARD job? If they only knew what difficulty really IS.

That’s the problem for me. I have a very easy job. And I still blew it. I ran behind on the schedule of book publishing last year and I seemed to run behind on everything. Free Friday, for instance. That is the day we make one of my books available for a free download from www.Amazon.com/author/donm And I haven’t had one since October. And now that we are trying to reconfigure some of our websites, and take on more projects, we find we also need desperately to get back to continuing the old ones too. So FREE FRIDAY IS BACK STARTING THIS FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 2015, With my first kindle book, THE NEW REAL ESTATE, and will continue to occur at least frequently if not every week!

IMG_20140803_122626 - me. Your friendly writer, Mr. Success and Abundance.

I picked a handful of goals I wanted to achieve by the end of this 2015 calendar year, so we need to get cranking! Two of the important ways I define myself are how I make a living, ie. writing and real estate. As an author, there are a couple more books I want to get out this year. If one visits www.amazon.com/author/donm there are four books available now with a fifth coming very soon, so there is work to be done. I would love for you to become a part of my list/platform of friends and readers.

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