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Hello. Good morning. Thanks for being here. Thank you for enjoying my writing. You can join this tsunami of tstupidity.

I have spent most of my life in a different profession. I always knew I had a sense of humor, and some years ago, discovered I love to write.

Now I write books and articles. A lot of them. Some of them make me laugh. Some of my readers like them, some do not.

I’ve already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, & dozens unsubscribe! There are currently 17,760 fans on different platforms!

I have written for a couple of other platforms that are mostly interested in subscription fees, but I like free. if it’s free, it’s for me.

So, full circle, i’m back to my own website which is free.

How do I make a living, you ask?

Well, I have some books for sale. I will have an ad or two. I am an affiliate with Amazon. I sell plasma. Nothing invasive to you. So join us, and enjoy examples of, and rumors about the finest writing anywhere!

I will help you if you ever thought about

Writing Online

Having a Blog

Writing a Book

You can find Don hanging out at his websites about real estate or writing. He’s an analog cowboy in a digital world. Join him.

my personal book and journal site

my real estate site

my new writer’s guild site

my content and passive income site

Join Don’s tsunami of tstupidity.

Get a free book, and regular rumors about the best writing anywhere!

Please count me in as a reader, send me a short note on Fridays, and any freebies when you get them. I know I can cancel anytime. Don has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, & dozens unsubscribe! Join 17,760 fans on different platforms! Please go to my home page, DonMartinBooks.com You can visit me at my house any time.