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How You Can Have a Full-Time Job and Write for Medium, too.

I love to write.

I love to write for Medium.

The problem. Writing along with a full-time job.

I wish I could do it more, but I have a full-time job. So I have to do both, or quit one, and I am not in a position to just quit my job, and I have no desire to quit writing.

Balancing a full-time job and writing for Medium can be challenging but certainly possible with effective time management and dedication. Here are some strategies to help you manage both responsibilities.

  1. Establish a writing schedule. Set aside specific times during the week dedicated to writing. It can be early mornings, evenings, or weekends — whatever works best for you. Consistency is key, so commit to your schedule and make writing a priority during those designated times.
  2. Set realistic goals. Be mindful of your workload and set achievable goals for your writing on Medium. It’s better to consistently publish high-quality articles at a reasonable pace than to overwhelm yourself with an unrealistic writing schedule.
  3. Plan and prioritize your writing work. Create a writing plan (I like this one and it’s not expensive.) or an editorial calendar to outline your topics, deadlines, and goals. This will help you stay organized and ensure you allocate time for writing, researching, editing, and publishing your Medium articles.
  4. Take inspiration from your job. Depending on your profession, you might find opportunities to draw inspiration from your work experiences. Consider exploring topics related to your field or sharing insights from your job that can resonate with Medium’s audience.
  5. Make the most of your free time. Look for pockets of time throughout your day that can be utilized for writing. It could be during your lunch break, commuting time (if feasible), or any other moments when you have some uninterrupted time to focus on your writing.
  6. Manage your energy. Pay attention to your energy levels and work on your writing tasks when you’re most alert and productive. If you’re an early riser, consider dedicating mornings to writing. Find the time when you feel most creative and focused.
  7. Leverage your strengths. Identify topics or areas where you already have expertise or experience. This can help streamline your writing process as you won’t need to spend excessive time on research, allowing you to write more efficiently.
  8. Optimize your writing process. Develop a writing routine that works for you. Minimize distractions, create a conducive writing environment, and use productivity tools or writing apps that can help streamline your writing and editing process.

Remember, it’s important to find a balance that works for you, taking into account your job responsibilities, personal commitments, and writing aspirations.

The answer.

Start with a manageable writing frequency, and gradually increase it as you become more comfortable and efficient is a helpful, if not the only approach.

Thanks for reading!

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