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I HEART MARTIN – Cheap and Free Books

Some of my writing is serious, even bordering on the technical.  Some of it borders on the humorous. (Right now, they are free books.)

But I do a lot of it. And I need more peeps to read it (and hopefully like it.)

Enter Gumroad, a place where I can sell them directly and even sometimes give free books away. To people like you.

So please give it a visit when you have time and grab some if you wish. You can drop some in the tip jar if you want, but you don’t have to, The FREE ONES are marked, and ARE FREE. Tell your buds about the site.

Most of my stories are funny, satirical, sarcastic, and light-hearted. The ones who have read any have loved it. I don’t think its great, but I’m working on it.

Please check them out HERE!

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