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Posts published in “RABBIT TRAILS”

RSS Feed

Good morning everyone!  This is simply a test of my RSS feed.  My Social Media director is on vacation.

Will Write for FOOD

http://youtu.be/UKXSMkgiXrE   Thanks for humoring me and my testing…   MLS FSBO etc


http://youtu.be/3dNhTy5xBOs http://youtu.be/huY5ktuUuPQ Thanks!       WORD COUNT  FSBO MLS I know, the word count is very low, but I am trying to figure out…

Great Amazon Promo

We had a great Amazon FREE FRIDAY kindle promo yesterday for “SELL YOUR HOUSE FASTER.”  A THANKS to all who participated.  We may try to…

More Updates

New book brought into this world kicking and screaming!  Can be worth many thousands of times what you pay for it…


Hey book peeps! Barnes & Noble update – Ingram has my book, but we’re waiting on B&N to decide to pick it up… Kindle update…

Intermediate Touches

I wish I could say they were finishing touches that I am putting on this website, but that would be a gross exaggeration.  The new…

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