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Author: Don

Looks Like a Graduate Student has Rented the House Next Door

He is moving in the typical stuff- a desk, a box of books, aome LPs, a bong, a hookah, you know… But these newer students also have tiki-torches, very important to graduate work, things we never thought of. But, of course, as students in an earlier time, our apartments were tucked into basements and attics, and we really had little use for them. The 26 ft truck is from Alaska with just boxes of books…

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An Article Every Day, A Short Story Every Week, and A Book Every Month – A Tale of Two Franzes

This will be quite an undertaking. I need to rest. But I did not say they had to be long. Nor of the highest quality. Only that they would exist. In Vienna, Mrs Llszt was often heard to say “Franny, give me one more solid hour on that harpsichord, and you can go play video games.” Another Franz, Franz Joseph Haydn was quite given to flatulence. It is said his attacks were so frequent and…

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One Year Ago Today

Our tornado came through Nashville. I have had lifetimes of life since then, but, it seems I have written about very little of it so far. But there is a remedy…

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. No offense, Chuck. I know they weren’t really that dramatic, but it seems my mid-twenties did have their good and bad points. On the whole I was greatly blessed. Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name There were times I was not so blessed.  When I would try to work at becoming more physically fit, or even maintaining my…

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60 Index Cards Equal a Book

60 Index Cards Equal a Book   What Is It? I used to be a pantser. I wrote my books and stories by the seat of my pants. After doing that for many years, I started to realize the value of an outline. When I was in a sales field, I started my career anew every month.  The previous month closed, and the next one started fresh. I was waking up in a new world…

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Deep Cheese

Yes, she did it again. My wife, PJ, did it again last evening. She took a bit of this and a handful of that, and created the most magnificent dish I have enjoyed in a long time! It actually consisted of, among many other things, lots of cheese, ripe olives, hamburger, spices, onions, tomatoes, taco shells and guacamole.  Wow.  What a treat to smell baking and a treat to consume! By now you probably know…

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A Quick Vacation

Well, we’re baaaaack… We went down to Chattanooga and up I-75 towards Knoxville all this week.  The scenery was awesome, of course.  There was a little road work delay from time to time, especially in Chattanooga, where they were working on some exits and merges.  But it was nothing too terrible like when we were coming back from Cookeville two weeks ago. Join our reader’s community, and subscribe/click here! In Cookeville, we had the pleasure of eating lunch at The Blue…

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Seven Books this Summer

Thanks for asking! I am working on seven books this summer, two of which are fiction, and the other five non-fiction. They are ALL going to be equally GREAT! Yes, unlike my previous books, like the three-book series on the Imposter Syndrome. I am so tempted to list the working titles to whet your appetites, but of course, that practice is considered bad luck by my people. Maybe later.

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The Lock-Down Continues

I learned from an author-acquaintance this morning that he has not achieved nearly the amount of writing during the lock-down as he had wanted and expected. So it is not just me. The days seem to run into weeks and into subsequent weeks.  If one is not an avid daily television watcher, it is hard to distinguish one day from the next.  I sometimes imagine myself in an assisted-living home somewhere, where the only thing I…

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Behind the Scenes

There is a lot going on in my life right now. I’ve got a couple of books I am working on, along with a few website/blogs, the total of which require a lot of my attention, as well as does my normal job.  (I try my best on all my literary activities, and I always fully intend to mark them off my calendar where I so carefully wrote them, but, let’s face it, that is…

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