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Month: January 2023

I HEART MARTIN – Cheap and Free Books

Some of my writing is serious, even bordering on the technical.  Some of it borders on the humorous. (Right now, they are free books.) But I do a lot of it. And I need more peeps to read it (and hopefully like it.) Enter Gumroad, a place where I can sell them directly and even sometimes give free books away. To people like you. So please give it a visit when you have time and…

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A Note from Don Martin

Hi! I’m Don Martin. I have a slightly convoluted sense of humor. This picture is not that funny, however, even though some insensitive types may snicker for no apparent reason. I call it “My Painful Eye Surgery, During Covid, While Wearing a Snazzy Hawaiian Shirt.” I do love a good laugh. I love any kind of laugh. Sometimes, I can’t keep from laughing. It’s a defense mechanism for me. LOOK HERE. I also love writing. I have…

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