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How did this happen?

I guess you know by now, that my mom and dad did NOT sit me down on their knees and tell me that when I grew up, I was going to be a writer and more than they thought it was a good idea when I announced to them that I wanted to get a tattoo of the state of Delaware on my butt in the third grade.

I did not walk out of my parents house one evening and see it written in the sky.

Even later in school, my English teachers didn’t ever think I would amount to much. (Click for THAT story.)

It just had to be an accident.

I thought once or twice about being a writer, because I dearly loved the idea of being a writer. But actually, I realized that havIng written is usually more enjoyable than writing. And I had no clue what a chick magnet was, much less wanted to be one.

Only a few decades later, after being ground down in real occupations, did I return to the scene of the fantasy.

My job at the time involved giving a conversational “non-presentation” to prospects.

Somewhere between my perennial sense of humor and my ability to make people feel relaxed, my repeated presentations caused some success for me. It even caused a couple of peeps to ask me if I had my presentation written down or taped. One in particular said they would back me to do so, they enjoyed it so.

My thought processes tend to arrange themselves into information packets, a lot like chapters of a book anyway, where the end of one chapter leads to the following one. These were already resident in my brain, so I thought to myself, “why not?”

I learned two very important lessons at that point.

1 I actually could write a book during a string of lunch hours. and

2 Some people use wishful thinking and never intend to deliver on statements a listener might perceive as a promise, but the speaker might perceive a just fun conversation.

I have, from time to time, been asked to include in my blog, a good bit of personal, writer’s life sort of stuff, and to include more about my writing journey and my books.

It seems a lot of you guys would just LOVE to make a living being a writer. So I will ramble on about being the accidental author and how to write ten-minute books. Stay tuned for some words.

Let’s get started writing HERE.

Thanks for reading!

Last words

 Whether you are thinking about writing as a hobby or for money, grab this FREE, quick guide to how I did it, now that I’ve had over 700 stories published.

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, Tn. He publishes every weekday morning.

Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my PDF guide on how to become a Big-Time Writer.

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