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BTW Club

I just fell into the life of a BTW.

It began as a result of my full-time occupation that, in no way, included writing!

Only lately have some of my peeps expressed a desire to hear more about my journalistic journey. I always try to give my peeps what they want, so this inside look will become available to the handful of peeps who subscribe to the BTW Club.

As I begin this endeavor, I intend to reveal small bits from time to time in this public arena here at Medium.

For instance, it is not well known that I awake organically, with no mechanical noisemakers, and have people who meticulously prepare and serve me a sumptuous breakfast made of sustainable delicacies such as avocados and honey from my conservatory on home-baked bread.

I then spend a fair amount of time resting and thinking after my meal before my big-time writing begins.

I find this to be a stress-free way to begin the day and be productive.

At any rate, I am in the process of compiling such tips tools, and techniques for those readers who would enjoy a glimpse behind the curtain of my creative process.

I invite you to join me by subscribing to the BTW Club for humor, observations, and stories published on Medium, and those not published there. Come along for my public spectacles as well as my private decadency and self-indulgence.

As always, I thank you for your time.

Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my PDF guide on how to become a Big-Time Writer. Enjoy the BTW life!

Free funny stuff and extra content from the Big-time Writer Club — Feel free to join our community, where I share tips and give feedback to the followers of my publications. Get an inside look at how I fell into being a Big-Time Writer, what I do as a BTW, and how you can be one too if you wish.


Part pure genius — marketing and psychology!

Part sheer insanity — the humor!

52 stories, one for each week!

217 pages in read-anywhere PDF format!


2) FREE PDF GUIDE — Finding the Writer in You
Finding the Writer in you — a 6 page PDF Guide to get you where you need to be. Bring your inner writer out and get it paid!

3) FREE BOOK — Martin Writes on Martin Writing
Small volume of a chaotic handful of stories on Deep Thought, Humor, Profundity, Essays, and Journalistic Instruction in read-anywhere PDF format!

4) FREE WRITER QUIZ — Can You Cut it as a Writer?
Do you even think you could cut it as a writer? A short 10-question quiz will let you know.