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Month: August 2024


Some of my blog posts at this website end up in the for writers section. How ever many of the peeps here enjoy my writing and don’t care about writing themselves. therefore since I didn’t want to eliminate the category, I put a link to my hard-core writing blog over to the left on the menu and pinned this post with a link to the top of the category so peeps would see it first…

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Weekend at the Journal

There’s a lot to get done. i have a new micro-book finished and i am trying to finish editing it. then it’s off to a free-lance formatter when I get my editing done. HERE is the book. I’m pretty jazzed about it. It’s gonna end up about 7000 or 8000 words on around 20+ pages. I have been an independent for forty years, and I wish I had had this book from the beginning.

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Meet Your Readers or Mow the Lawn

That’s what my agent told me. These peeps are not an angry mob. Actually, they are rather happy. And they hold the key to whether or not I have a lawn to mow. Besides they are nice folks, and I would much rather be talking to them. I have written a couple of books though, by some standards, they aren’t very good. i never let that stop me and kept on writing. My English teachers…

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