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Month: July 2024


Week #30 Well, it’s Thursday already, and I’m still concentrating on my projects. But it is quiet here down on the river. Reminds me of a song by Neil Young and Crazy Horse. Ko-Fi CLICK HERE TO BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE. THANK YOU! I have decided that my main website needed a lot of work, at so I have spent a lot of time on it this week. I have left my usual travel trailer…

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FOUR “NEW WRITER MISTAKES” That Kept Me From Making Money, When I First Started Writing.

And how I fixed them. Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you like his writing, here are 7 ways to find his stories. Don’t forget to have direct delivery of new stories by subscribing HERE! Originally published at on February 11, 2022, revised July 19, 2024. I truly wanted to be…

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Summer is running away Just a short note to say that, unbelievably enough, summer has reached its crescendo, with FOJ, and here we go slip-sliding our way to fall. It’s been a year now since I came home from the hospital. We celebrated the fourth, and we celebrated my birthday. I still miss being as I was, walking the way I used to, using my left hand. I am still experimenting. I am first publishing…

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You Say It’s My Birthday!

Yes, I am rather disheveled this morning, but here I am… Maybe I’m just an old Beatle-loving goober, but I surely saw a lot of great stuff in my time. Wednesday it is, and I’m writing today’s journal entry. I am sure that I will work here for a while this morning, them work on a couple of other (real estate) projects, and then try to finish this up later in the day. Also today…

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